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Jeux Vidéo : InSomnia - a Call to Arms : Une démo jouable.
Posté par JerryG le 20/5/2016 15:00:00 Articles du même auteur

Studio MONO are sending out a call to arms, to help bring InSomnia over the line. Their dystopian RPG is now 70% funded, with an incredible £38,000 pledged by 1,289 backers and has one week to go.


"This is a plea to all of the RPG lovers out here. We've had an incredible response to the InSomnia Kickstarter and of our Prologue chapter. With the continued support of our backers and fans, we can hit our target!" said Anatoliy Guyduk, lead developer at Studio MONO.



"However, there's still a mountain to climb, but we're confident that once people have played our Prologue chapter, they'll love InSomnia and the murky underbelly of a universe its set within."

Fallout inspired InSomnia is dystopian vision, set in a murky, retro-futuristic style.



The game takes place on a colossal, semi-deserted interplanetary space station. Having left their dying planet behind, this space metropolis, along with its inhabitants, has been moving towards the distant, ghost-like Evacuation Point for the past 400 years, where the descendants of the once great people hope to start over the history of mankind.

Pour jouer.



Participez à son financement.

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