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Jeux Vidéo : Jeux Vidéo : Jagged Alliance Black in Action, la MàJ 1.13
Posté par JerryG le 3/5/2012 14:30:00 Articles du même auteur

BitComposer rouvre la voie du jeu vidéo où il ne suffit pas de voir pour tirer,  mais de bien planifier ses actions avant d'agir, un peu comme le tour par tour  des temps jadis, Jagged Alliance Back Action se destine donc aux joueurs méticuleux et aux stratèges aguerris, voici venue la MàJ 1.13.

Les détails de cette V 1.13 (Anglais)

Added Features

• Added hard difficulty level as option on game start. Modifies enemy strength, income and starting funds.

• Added tactical mode as option on game start.

- Enemies have to be revealed via line of sight in tactical mode.

- Sound sources are marked in tactical view as well as on the minimap

• Added two new achievements for tactical mode and higher difficulty.

• Added option to level recruited militia up via the location UI on the world map.

• Added options to distribute militia via location UI (evenly across all combat zones, focused on a single combat zone)

• Added sector inventory, accessible via Character Detail Screen

- Always accessible in friendly sectors

- Automatically includes all containers that have been opened and all enemy drops that have been spotted by the player

- Accessible for militia recruitment and trading with NPCs

• Added item exchange via Drag & Drop in Character Details Screen. Illegible mercs are marked red. • Within hostile sectors mercs need to be within 5m distance to be able to exchange items.

• Stamina is reduced when returning to the strategic map when squads travelled great distances in the tactical view

• Current ammo saved for each weapon, weapons are unloaded when being handed over to militia. • Militia will hand weapons back unloaded to prevent players cheating ammo via the militia equip screen

• NPC Traders restock their inventory over time (rules can be modified via characters.txt)

• Targeting line indicates best range of weapon and chance to hit via color from green (good) to red (bad)

• Camera scrolling possible by moving the cursor to the border of the screen in fullscreen mode

• Added Sound FX for melee attacks

• Putting away a fire arm for non-combat actions (e.g. heal) will no longer reset the firemode of the weapon

• Added scrollbar in mail list window

• Added trash can icon to delete mail to mail window

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